The Magic of Massage TherapyThe Magic of Massage Therapy

About Me

The Magic of Massage Therapy

I was going through intense physical therapy to recover after surgery, and every day I went to bed with sore, achy muscles. Finally, my physical therapist suggest I give massage therapy a try. Massage therapy really helped me relax and unwind after a hard day at physical therapy, but I think it also helped speed my recovery. It helped with blood flow and circulation, and I really felt much better after every session. I liked it so much that I kept going even after I was fully recovered. I started this blog to talk about the magic of massage therapy. It really helped me, and I believe that it can really help others as well. If you’ve been wanting to learn what massage therapy is like and how it helps, you’ll find the answers here on my blog.


Strokes And How A Locum Tenens Stroke Doctor Can Help

A stroke happens when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off, depriving brain cells of vital oxygen and nutrients. Strokes can lead to many other health concerns and are extremely dangerous and scary. But if you were to have a stroke when the lead stroke doctor is not available, it'd be critical that there was someone else available to treat you. That is where a locum tenens stroke doctor is helpful. This article will discuss the dangers of strokes and how locum tenens doctors can help fill several needs patient's needs.

The Danger of Strokes 

Strokes Can Cause Brain Damage

Because strokes cut off blood supply to parts of the brain, those brain cells begin to sustain damage after just a few minutes. Depending on where the brain damage is, it can cause slurs in speech, impact language production, limit your ability to move and control different parts of your body, or hinder your ability to think and remember information. 

Strokes Are Unpredictable

Though it is possible to assess your risk factors for stroke, there is no way to know when a stroke may occur. Strokes can happen on holidays, in the middle of the night, and other times when your doctor is not likely to be working. 

Strokes Can Reoccur 

The likelihood of a recurrent stroke is nearly 20 percent within five years. Working with your doctor to stay on top of your health is critical to try and prevent yourself from experiencing another one. You will need to know the symptoms of a stroke, and how and when you need to seek out medical care.

How Locum Tenens Doctors Fill A Vital Need

Because strokes can happen at very inopportune times and don't wait for when your doctor is on shift, a locum tenens doctor fills a vital role. These doctors are specialists who step in when a doctor is sick, on vacation, or has retired and the office has yet to fill the position with a permanent doctor. 

A locum tenens stroke doctor is specialized to temporarily care for patients within a neurological office. Because they work so closely with a specific office, they will be familiar with patient histories, and individual medications and doses. If you were to have a recurrent stroke, they would know exactly what works best for you.

Their duties include such things as tracking symptoms and providing routine checkups. They also provide follow-up care if you may need speech therapy or physical therapy, and they can help patients find a stroke support group. 

If you are at high risk for a stroke, with such things as high blood pressure, heart disease, or diabetes, consult with your primary doctor. They can help you find a neurologist stroke doctor who works in tandem with a locum tenens stroke doctor. Don't hesitate. Contact a locum tenens doctor for more information.