The Magic of Massage TherapyThe Magic of Massage Therapy

About Me

The Magic of Massage Therapy

I was going through intense physical therapy to recover after surgery, and every day I went to bed with sore, achy muscles. Finally, my physical therapist suggest I give massage therapy a try. Massage therapy really helped me relax and unwind after a hard day at physical therapy, but I think it also helped speed my recovery. It helped with blood flow and circulation, and I really felt much better after every session. I liked it so much that I kept going even after I was fully recovered. I started this blog to talk about the magic of massage therapy. It really helped me, and I believe that it can really help others as well. If you’ve been wanting to learn what massage therapy is like and how it helps, you’ll find the answers here on my blog.


Is Your Child Having Behavior Problems? Try Reducing Their Screen Time.

Parents seek psychological counseling to help their children with a variety of behavioral and emotional issues. It's becoming commonplace for children to be depressed, apathetic or amped up and prone to tantrums, according to child psychiatrist Victoria L. Dunckley, M.D., in an article for Psychology Today. It seems there is a close link between these problems and too much electronic screen time. Here are some reasons why you should give your child a break from exposure to electronic screens.

1. Better quality sleep. Dunckley describes kids today as "wired and tired." They're amped up but exhausted at the same time. The light from screens is interfering with the body's natural production of melatonin. This can throw the child's internal clock out of whack, interfering with the ability to sleep deeply. It also leads to hormone imbalances and even brain inflammation. While you might think you'll stress your child out by taking their devices away from them at night, you'll actually lower their stress levels and improve their sleep by reducing their exposure to light at night.

2. Less anger and aggression. Screen time uses up a child's mental energy, leaving them with a lowered reserve of energy to spend on paying attention. It's been found that a lack of focus is frequently the cause of anger outbursts and aggression seen in children. Limiting screen time can help your child to maintain the energy stores they need to focus and regulate their behavior.

3. Better moderated dopamine levels. Dopamine, the feel-good chemical, plays a central role in focus and motivation in children and adults. Video games stimulate a significant amount of dopamine production, which makes the brain less sensitive to its effects over time. It's similar to drug addiction where a user needs more and more of the drug to achieve the same effect. In children, the way electronics interfere with dopamine sensitivity can have a very negative impact on their behavior and emotions.

How to Limit Screen Time

Dunckley recommends putting your children on a complete screen "fast" for several weeks to help a child with behavioral and emotional issues regain equilibrium. To limit screen time, some parents put a reward system in place that rewards the child with a screen-time token for each chore or good behavior.

One token will be worth a predetermined amount of screen time, such as 15 minutes. One mom blogger even has a system where a child can choose to skip a chore in exchange for giving up some of their tokens. She believes her system not only limits screen time but also teaches her children about budgeting and decision making.

For a detailed plan to change your child's relationship with electronic screens, child psychiatrist Dunckley has written a book with a four-week plan. To learn more, contact a company like Living Hope Clinic