The Magic of Massage TherapyThe Magic of Massage Therapy

About Me

The Magic of Massage Therapy

I was going through intense physical therapy to recover after surgery, and every day I went to bed with sore, achy muscles. Finally, my physical therapist suggest I give massage therapy a try. Massage therapy really helped me relax and unwind after a hard day at physical therapy, but I think it also helped speed my recovery. It helped with blood flow and circulation, and I really felt much better after every session. I liked it so much that I kept going even after I was fully recovered. I started this blog to talk about the magic of massage therapy. It really helped me, and I believe that it can really help others as well. If you’ve been wanting to learn what massage therapy is like and how it helps, you’ll find the answers here on my blog.


3 Important Patient Chart Audit Tips For Hospital Managers

An important part of the billing process for hospital managers is analyzing patient charts. Doing so can help identify medical errors and maximize reimbursements. Although these audits may seem complex to carry out, they don't have to be if you consider these useful tips:

Create Systematic Policies 

To make patient chart audits less time-consuming and stressful, you need to create systematic policies for all of your staff to follow. This way, errors and miscommunication will be less likely to occur during the audit process.

All of your employees should know how to document patient information, so when it's required during the audit, important data can be pulled up without any hiccups. Staff members also need to know how to respond to audit procedures, no matter how new they are in their role; even before the audit is conducted, they will know what's expected of them and can then respond accordingly.

Don't Forget About the Visuals 

Although patient chart audits focus a lot on your hospital's medical practices and economics, you shouldn't neglect the visual appearance of your hospital. This is particularly true if an external auditor is coming to your hospital.

You want to present a professional image because the visual appearance of your hospital often makes the first impression. There are many ways you can get your hospital visually ready, such as properly disposing of expired medications and making sure every office is clean. You also need to make sure all licenses and certifications are clearly visible and up-to-date. 

Make the Necessary Corrections 

After a patient chart audit has been properly conducted, your role as a hospital manager is not done. You still need to take the data you've been given and improve what's wrong with your hospital. 

For example, if there are problems with patients defaulting on payments, you need to figure out how to correct this problem before your hospital loses a fortune. In this instance, you could make sure patients are aware of the money they owe through emails and text alerts.

If improper diagnoses are a reoccurring problem identified by these audits, you'll then need to fix procedures and develop ways to test for certain conditions better.

Patient chart audits are extremely important resources that your hospital needs to take seriously. If you prepare for them correctly and know how to utilize them, you can better your hospital's practices and give patients better care overall.